Hume Lake Christian Camps
If this is your first time to Hume Lake, you are in for a real treat. We suggest reading up the current activities before going.
Our cabin is a part of the Hume Lake community and is subject to the following regulations:
Welcome to Hume Lake! We are glad you came to visit us. Hume Lake Christian Camps is a camping ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every person that comes in contact with this global ministry.
We ask that all leaseholders, guests, and renters help us create a distraction-free environment for everyone by following Hume Lake Rules and Regulations while on the Hume Lake property, including the Hume Lake Subdivision.
EMERGENCIES: In the event of a fire or life-threatening medical emergency, please dial 911. The Hume Lake Health Center is not available to Subdivision Leaseholders, Guests, or Renters.
NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS: Alcohol and chemicals associated with substance abuse are not allowed. Alcoholic beverages, marijuana (or any cannabis products), and nicotine are not permitted on HLCC property or the Subdivision. Illegal substances such as heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine are not allowed as well. Please, no smoking or vaping.
MODESTY: Please wear modest and suitable clothing while at HLCC. Immodest shorts, two-piece bathing suits or Speedos, spaghetti straps, and bare midriffs are not acceptable. We ask that Leaseholders and Guests dress in a way consistent with their biological sex at birth.
PETS: Guests, renters, and relatives of leaseholders are not allowed to have pets at HLCC or in the HLCC subdivision. Only Leaseholders may bring pets to Hume. Pets Must be on leashes at all times when out of doors. HLCC reserves the right to assess a fine of $500 per incident for all guests, renters, or relatives of leaseholders visiting the Subdivision who bring pets to Hume. The fee will be billed to the leaseholder.
SPEED LIMIT: The speed limit at Hume Lake is 15 MPH or less. Please observe this at all times.
OFF-ROAD VEHICLES: Guests and Renters cannot drive off-road vehicles on HLCC property or in the Subdivision. Only leaseholders, their immediate families, and Hume Lake full-time staff may drive off-road vehicles on HLCC property. All drivers must be licensed, 16 or older, and obey Hume rules. No off-road riding is allowed on Hume Lake property.
PROTECTION AND PRIVACY: Please refrain from capturing and posting stills or videos of campers not related to you to respect campers' privacy.
CAMP LEADERSHIP: Please respect all staff requests regarding camp operations and the Rules and Regulations. The HLCC staff’s primary responsibility is to facilitate the camping ministry, and the ministry's needs take precedence on the HLCC property.
SEXUAL ACTIVITY: We require that all Leaseholders and Guests refrain from unbiblical sexual activity. Unbiblical sexual activity includes unmarried sexual behavior, extra-marital sexual behavior, same-sex sexual behavior, or same-sex romantic expressions. Pornography or any media with explicit sexual content is prohibited on HLCC property. We believe the Bible teaches that sexual union is reserved for marriage, which is the covenant union of love between one man and one woman. We encourage sexual relations among married couples and want marriages to thrive.
YOUTH MEETINGS: Youth meetings are for HLCC registered campers only.
CAMP AND DORM ACCESS: Walking in or around camper housing areas is not permitted. Meadow Ranch, Wagon Train, and Wildwood are closed camps, and guests are not allowed in these camps.
QUIET HOURS AND CAMPER CURFEW: Out of respect for others, please keep noise down before 8:00 AM and after 10:00 PM. There is an 11:00 PM curfew for the HLCC camping programs. Leaseholders and Guests should not be near any HLCC camp areas after 11:00 pm.
HLCC FACILITIES: All camp buildings and facilities are off-limits to leaseholders, subdivision guests, and renters unless specific permission has been granted by Hume Lake staff. Please see the Welcome Center for details.
FIRES: Open fires, including fire pits, and barbecue pits, are prohibited unless authorized annually by a permit from the Forest Service and subject to any HLCC restrictions in effect. Propane barbeques and firepits are generally allowed unless there are restrictions in effect.
FIREARMS: Shooting is prohibited within one-half mile of HLCC. The use of guns, bows and arrows, and any dangerous weapons are not allowed on HLCC property and the Subdivision.
FIREWORKS: Fireworks are not permitted in the National Park, National Forest, or HLCC property and the Subdivision.
CHILDREN: Children 12 and under are not permitted to be unattended on the grounds. Parents are legally responsible for their minor dependent's actions while at HLCC and the Subdivision.
WATER CONSERVATION: There is a limited supply of water at Hume Lake. Please help us conserve water by taking short showers and not washing cars or watering landscape while you are here. Please let the leaseholder know if you see any water leaks. During drought conditions, we may require additional restrictions on water usage.
GARBAGE: Garbage can be taken to the garbage facility just past the Wagon Train Pavilion from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. No building materials, mattresses, used furniture, appliances, needles, or trimmings may be left there. Please take all building materials and furniture down the hill.
GENERAL UNCHRISTIAN OR DISTRACTING CONDUCT: These Rules and Regulations are not intended to be comprehensive. There may be other behaviors that prove to be unbiblical or distractions to the mission of HLCC (ex. fighting, hazing, profanity, gambling, abusive language, etc.) Leaseholders and Guests in the Subdivision should be mindful of the atmosphere HLCC is trying to create on its property.
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